If the Name Fits

Someone I know likes to refer to our recently-elected Commander in Chief as Voldemort. For any troglodytes who may have missed out on the Harry Potter franchise, Lord Voldemort is the principal villain and an awesome literary figure.

Who may have knighted him as a lord is unclear, but my suspicion is he gave it to himself. He wields great magical powers and commands a large following. He is a great orator and much of his power lies in his ability to instill fear. His willingness to sacrifice anyone who speaks or acts against him is the source of much of that fear. But the true power behind his influence is a total lack of compassion, empathy or even loyalty to his most devoted followers. Oppose him at your peril.

The White House is occupied by someone who has in less than two weeks issued executive orders which supersede the defined office of the Presidency. His actions suggest a lust for power which he flaunts irreverently offering no regard to any who may be negatively impacted by the consequences, be they ally or opponent.

Having lost the election in 2020, he was watched by millions speaking inflammatory words and refusing to call down his supporters as a mob invaded the Capital. The first president of the modern era not to embrace the peaceful transfer of power continued to cry fowl insisting that he really won. And he managed to convince many despite any lack of evidence.

Beyond this, he continued to speak out as if he were still in office, carrying classified documents to his Florida resort. During the intervening years he was tried and convicted of 34 felonies and avoided trial for more serious charges simply through delay tactics. Having convinced a majority of American voters that he will make our lives better, he is gunning for anyone involved in costing him 2020.

Mr. Trump has now released his attack dogs from confinement and continues to spew his doctrine of bigotry and vengeance to a hungry audience. Sound familiar? Review the history of the 20th century. Or re-watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Does Hogwarts Castle remind you of the Capital building?

Mr. Trump encourages a radical right agenda that even makes members of his own party nervous. Until 2020 I would have called myself conservative, but his ambition and vision for the presidency looks all too much like that of Vladimir Put or Xi Jinping. He holds the title President of the United States. Yet as an American citizen, born in Michigan, I am struggling to see a leader who stands for anything I believe America is meant to be.